Riverland Energy Cooperative's service territory is divided into 9 voting districts, each with an elected Director on the Board of Directors. Each director is a member of the cooperative, is nominated by a district committeeperson, and is elected by the members at the Annual Meeting. Directors serve a four-year term, with a term limit of 16 years.
The Board of Directors are responsible for hiring the Chief Executive Officer (CEO), who is responsible for overseeing day-to-day operations of the cooperative. Attendance at monthly meetings are required, usually the last Monday of the month with meetings beginning at 5:00 p.m. Additional board round table educational meetings and committee meetings will be required to attend. Occasional travel for conferences and training sessions may be required, including both local and out-of-state/regional destinations.
It is necessary to become knowledgeable of the issues in the rapidly changing electric utility industry. It is a director's duty to understand current issues and how they can affect the operations of the cooperative. Training seminars are available to improve the understanding of cooperative business, policies and procedures. These courses can lead to Credentialed Cooperative Director and Board Leadership Certificates (Certificate Levels). Per board policy #89: Must be willing to make a reasonable effort to attend director training and educational sessions sponsored by Wisconsin Electric Cooperative Association (WECA)/Cooperative Network and the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association (NRECA) strive to achieve the status of NRECA “Credentialed Cooperative Director” within four years of election or appointment to the Board and earn the NRECA “Board Leadership Certificate” within eight years.
For more information on being a director, please visit the "A Day In The Life Of A Director" page.
Directors by District
District 1 - Brad Schmidtknecht

Brad Schmidtknecht
Brad Schmidtknecht lives in the Mondovi area. He works as a telecom engineer and is also a hobby farmer. Brad is married to his wife, Noelle, and they have two children, John and Zoe. He serves as the Chairperson for the Town of Mondovi, is a former member of the Buffalo County Board, and is an active member of Sacred Heart Church.
Brad joined the Board of Directors at Riverland Energy with the goal of maintaining and increasing member value, while ensuring the cooperative remains financially secure and responsive to member needs. He enjoys creating a vision for the future of the cooperative, collaborating with fellow directors, and engaging with members.
District 2 - Bryce Lisowski

Bryce Lisowski
District 3 - Cletus Foegen

Cletus Foegen
Cletus resides in the Fountain City/Waumandee area. He is married to his wife, Liane, and have three children and a new grandchild, Calvin. Cletus is the Board President of the Arcadia Ambulance Services, Town Chairman of the Town of Glencoe, President of the Waumandee Lions, and Chairman of St. Boniface Finance Council. Cletus' favorite part about being on the board is working with the Board and CEO for a common goal of what is best for the member. He also enjoys the trainings and other meetings to keep up with what is happening in the electrical industry. He is currently on his fourth year of his first four-year term.
District 4 - Dennis Frame - Secretary/Treasurer

Dennis Frame
Dennis resides in the Osseo area. Dennis was elected to the REC board in 2018, and is currently on his 3rd year of his 2nd - 4 year term. Dennis is retired from U.W. Extension. Dennis is married to his wife, Susan, and has two children, John and Carl, and welcomed their first grandchild in October 2024, Cora Jo. Dennis is involved in different community activities such as serving as the moderator at his church, has served as an advisor on several statewide non-profit organizations including Professional Dairy Producers of Wisconsin (PDPW), the Dairy Business Association (DBA) and the Wisconsin Pork Producer. In his free time, Dennis enjoys working outside cutting firewood, mowing waterways, and maintaining their prairie. He also spends a lot of time in his woodshop working on gifts and items for the home. Dennis says "Getting to know the electric cooperative business as well as the employees at Riverland Energy has been enjoyable. We are blessed with dedicated employees and the board works to understand their needs and goals. Riverland also has a dedicated board of directors who are working to ensure the members' needs are met and that our power supply is safe, affordable and reliable. While there is a time commitment to serving on the board, watching the cooperative grow and develop is very satisfying."
District 5 - Dan Filla - Vice President

Dan Filla
District 6 - Steven Hogden

Steven Hogden
Steve has been on the board since 2023. He has been a part of many organizations throughout the community such as Town of Caledonia Town Chairman, Trempealeau-Caledonia Fire Board, Souther Trempealeau County Solid Waste Commission, and La Crosse County Solid Waste Policy Board. He is currently on his second year of his first four-year term. Steve's favorite part about being on the board is that it is a privilege and high responsibility to serve on any board of directors. Problem solving and good policy making are at the core of serving the members, to be a part of the team that visions and creates the the path for the future of the cooperative is very rewarding.
District 7 - Gary Dvoracek

Gary Dvoracek
District 8 - David Paudler

David Paudler
District 9 - Bea Zingsheim - President

Bea Zingsheim
Bea resides in the Onalaska area. Bea was elected to the REC board in 2019 and is on her 2nd year of her 2nd - 4 year term. She is retired from working as a Credit Union Manager. She has 5 children and 15 grand children. Bea is involved in different community activities such as St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church and the SEAS food pantry volunteer. Bea enjoys traveling, watching her grandchildren's sporting events, golfing, and boating with friends. Bea says "Being on the REC Board has been an enjoyable learning experience! It has been an honor to represent the Members of the 9th district for the past 6 years. Working in the Credit Union industry for over 20 years,I strongly believe in the cooperative model and the 7 cooperative principles."