Electric Vehicles

Electric Vehicles (EVs) have been around for a very long time, but have become a growing market more recently. As your trusted energy professional, it’s our job to be able to help you make energy choices that make sense for you. If you have questions about EV’s or charging them, feel free to give us a call and we’ll do everything we can to help.

Call us before you install a charger in your home. 

If you're charging an EV at home, please contact us to learn about our available programs. EV charging creates additional energy demand. By letting us know about your EV charging levels, we can help ensure your home is prepared for the additional energy consumption and you can take advantage of our rebates and load control program. 

Electric Vehicle Charger Rebate

Load Control Required 

$400 per charger on load control or Time-Of-Use Rate



EV CHARGE N SAVE Time of Use Rate

Optional rate to single phase member as a secondary meter. Electric service provided under this schedule is subject to all applicable rules and regulations of the Cooperative.

Service Charge: $.16/day

Energy Charge:

  • On Peak     $0.21148 per kWh (6:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m.)
  • Off Peak     $0.05595 per kWh (9:00 p.m. - 6:00 a.m.)

GS1A Consumers- Secondary meter configuration can be direct, or sub metered
AC & AE Consumers- Secondary meter configuration can be direct only.
**GS1A with DF Consumers- EV Charger on DF meter / DF rate applies. EV Charger is required to be controlled per the DPC control requirements. Member is required to install a contactor, if required, for load control.

The vehicle utilizing the charger must be registered for public highway use. Low speed vehicles, such as golf carts,  are not eligible. All chargers must be direct wired or used with a 240 receptacle. Smart chargers capable of metering may be used as an alternative to a second meter. The charger must be approved by Riverland Energy Cooperative.  All charges still apply. The member must have cell or Wifi available at the charger location. Riverland has the option to require a meter for the smart charger at any point, at the members' expense.

The rates set forth are based on taxes currently applicable and the amount of any increase in the existing or new taxes on the transmission, distribution, or sale of electricity allocable to sales hereunder shall be added to the charges as appropriate to be paid by the Consumer

Cost Calculator

Calculate and compare the costs associated with electric vehicles vs. gasoline vehicles.


PlugShare allows you to find EV charging stations based on your location. 

EV Information

Before you buy an electric vehicle, learn the difference between different chargers. 

Battery Electric Vehicle Info (BEVs)

Consumer Guide to Electric Vehicles

Overview of Electric Vehicles