Dual Fuel Overview
Members can receive a special low dual fuel electric rate for electric heating systems wired for peak load control under the Dual Fuel program. Under this program, the electric heat is metered separately and is switched off during peak demand periods via a load control receiver installed by a Riverland Energy technician. To receive your dual fuel electric rate, you must contact the office and fill out an agreement form.
- Dual fuel is having two sources of heat to your home. Having one form of controlled electric heat and another heat sources (like a gas furnace) will provide the heat from your home through peak times when we control electric heat.
- We control your electric heat during peak times so we can offer you a dual fuel rate, which is closer to half of the regular rate during winter months. We can keep these heating loads completely off the peaks because you have a second source that takes care of the heat loss during the control time.
- The dual fuel rate is not as low during the summer months because there are not as many loads that we can effectively control to reduce the peak during summer months. People typically would not like their air conditioners controlled for more than 15-minute cycling, which means we cannot reduce the peaks as effectively during the summer as we can during the winter.
- We are charged more as a cooperative during the summer since our overall consumption is higher in the winter.
Dual Fuel Rates (effective May 2023)
Service Charge: $0.296/day
Energy Charge:
- Winter (Oct. - May): 6.61 cents per kWh
- Summer (June - Sept).: 12.88 cents per kWh